1.28 through 2.7 photos of the day :)

photo of the day - 2.07.08
This is my nephew Brett.....look at those adorable chubby fingers!!! He came and visited us one night and it just amazes me how much he has grown the past few months.
photo of the day - 2.06.08
Practicing spelling words on the chalkboard
photo of the day - 2.05.08
i swear, some nights this phone doesnt stop ringing. i love catching up with family & friends!
photo of the day - 2.04.08
I'm gonna hide under this pillow so that you cant see me! Good luck little man!
photo of the day - 2.03.08
My little sweet pea is growing up!!! She came and spent the night with us and she was so fun to have around!!! Trevor was so excited because he got her to say his name - it kind of sounded like "revr". And it wasnt a fluke because she said it later that too @ my moms.
photo of the day - 2.02.08
Isnt she just the cutest baby ever??? My sweet little niece Natalie. She is 9 months old now! Unbelieveable how fast they grow up!

OOOPs.......no 2.01.08 picture.

photo of the day - 1.31.08
I love my Tonic cutter!!!! Every scrapbooker MUST have one!!!

photo of the day - 1.30.08
My sweet little boy all snuggled up in his bed. I love this time of the day - lots of cuddles and small talk. Love ya little guy!
photo of the day - 1.29.08
Chocolate. Yum. I was playing with the camera settings on this one.....love the DOF and the reflection too!
photo of the day - 1.28.08
My "comfort" food. Grilled cheese sandwich with strawberry jelly on top. YUUUMY!

Thanks for stopping by!


monica.coffman said...

Excellent photos Jess!!

Shannon Schafer said...

Great photos!!! :)

Cindy aka HappyStamper aka Sealion said...

Great pics! Love those black & white ones! But ewwwww to grilled cheese with jelly. lol

SuzyQ said...

Great photos! Your little man is so stinkin' cute!